Friday, February 27, 2015

New Ferrules Coming Soon

I have come up with a new design for ferrules. They are made of a composite material that is more flexible that carbon fiber and lighter than fiberglass. I will put this rod through all the tests this spring and summer and hope to have some ready by late summer or fall.

Its amazing the feel you get from the bamboo when you don't have the hinge of metal ferrules in the rod. The one problem with this material is it has only one color and thats black. So in the finish product they will be over wrapped with silk.

I hope also to do some 3 piece rods with this material.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Joe Tomelleri

Today I was able to hear Joe Tomelleri talk about his art work. I have always been an admirer of his pictures of trout. When I sat there and listened to all the work and detail that had to go into each pictures, it was amazing. It reminded me a little of making a bamboo rod.

In the picture below he is showing and discussing his many trips to Mexico in search of trout. He had many stories and videos from his trips. He hasn't been in several years because of the unrest in that country, but hopes to go back soon.

One funny thing that I learned about him is, he loves to fish for carp. Here in Kansas City we have an abundance of them, so they are easy to find. Someone asked him if he has ever drawn and sold pictures of a carp? His answer was no, because no one would buy them. Carp are an interesting fish, but most of us admire the trout for their colors.

Currently he is working on pictures for a book on the fishes of Idaho.

I can't get enough of his artwork. Here is his website below. If you don't recognize his name you will recognize the artwork.